• STACY scholarship applications will be accepted starting June 15th through September 15th each year.
  • All applications are due by September 15th.
  • Minimum Qualifications:
    (1) at least seventeen (17) years of age;
    (2) have residency in one of the following California counties: Sacramento, Contra Costa, San Joaquin, Amador, El Dorado, Placer, Sutter, Yolo, and Solano;
    (3) admitted to or enrolled in an educational institution that is formally recognized as an accredited institution by the United States Department of Education (;
    (4) be a student in good standing at their currently enrolled school; and
    (5) the applicant should have a proven desire to participate in the advancement of individuals with disabilities and their families.
  • E-mail completed applications to
  • Access the STACY Scholarship application instructions and certification page below: